Google Cloud Skills Boost/Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud Challenge Lab Managing Deployments Using Kubernetes Engine
I recently participated in the Google Cloud Skills Boost/Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud Challenge Lab. My decision to engage in this lab stemmed from the opportunity it presented to further my expertise in managing deployments using Kubernetes Engine. Drawing upon my prior experience with Google Cloud technologies, including Docker and Kubernetes, coupled with a solid foundation in DevOps theory and Linux System Administration, I found this lab to be an ideal platform for skill refinement at an advanced level, particularly for those aspiring to roles as GCP Cloud Engineers or Architects.
By immersing myself in Kubernetes deployment management within the Google Cloud environment, I aimed to deepen my understanding and proficiency in this critical area of cloud computing, recognizing its potential utility in real-world projects. I also thought that I could show my performance for the task proving my GCP skills. I look forward to sharing the insights and knowledge gained from this challenge lab.
Task 1: Learn about the deployment object:
Understand the structure of a deployment object in Kubernetes using kubectl explain.
Task 2: Create a deployment:
Update deployment configurations to specify container images and ports.
Create deployments using kubectl create and verify their creation.
Task 3: Rolling update:
Perform rolling updates by editing deployment configurations with new container images.
Pause, resume, and rollback updates using kubectl rollout commands.
ask 4: Canary deployments:
Create canary deployments for testing new versions with a subset of users.
Verify canary deployments and observe traffic routing between different versions.
Task 5: Blue-green deployments:
Implement blue-green deployments by updating service configurations to switch between different deployment versions.
Rollback to previous versions if necessary to ensure seamless deployment management.
Throughout the lab, participants utilize kubectl commands to interact with Kubernetes clusters and edit YAML configuration files to define deployment settings and configurations.
Project Files:
Explanation of the Process​ in Detail:
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