
Google Cloud Architect/Engineer Skills Boost Achievement Profile

Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification

Preparing for Google Cloud Certfication Preparation: Cloud Architect (Gr. 100%) for Google, USA.

Preparing for Google Cloud Certfication Preparation: Cloud DevOp Engineer (Gr. 100%) for Google, USA.

Preparing for Google Cloud Certfication Preparation: Cloud Engineer (Gr. 100%) 

Google IT Support Professional Certficate  


Computer Science & Programming

Harvard University CS50's Introduction to Computer Science Course

Python, HTML & CSS

Python SQL Panda

Scientific Computing with Python Course

Java Script Algorithm and Data Structure Course


Google Cloud Build: Test, Deploy, and Manage Code
By Xian Ke

Cloud Native Projects: GCP Serverless
By Frank P Moley III

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Foundations: Deploying Stateful Applications
By Semirah Dolan

Cloud Foundations: Building a Stateless Application
By Semirah Dolan

Getting Started with Kubernetes
By LinkedIn

Learning Kubernetes
By Kim Schlesinger

Kubernetes: Provisioning for Infrastructure as Code
By Carlos Nunez

Securing Containers and Kubernetes Ecosystem
By Sam Sehgal

Kubernetes: Cloud Native Ecosystem
By Karthik Gaekwad

Kubernetes: Microservices
By Karthik Gaekwad

Kubernetes: Native Tools (2018)
By Karthik Gaekwad

Kubernetes: Your First Project
By Carlos Nunez

Getting Started with Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
By LinkedIn

DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration
By Ernest Mueller and James Wickett

DevOps Foundations: Site Reliability Engineering
By Ernest Mueller and James Wickett

Continuous Integration: Tools
By Michael Jenkins

Big Data Analytics with Hadoop and Apache Spark
By Kumaran Ponnambalam

Apache Spark Essential Training: Big Data Engineering
By Kumaran Ponnambalam

Learn Apache Kafka for Beginners
By Stephane Maarek

Learning Terraform
By Josh Samuelson

Learning Jenkins
By Michael Jenkins

Learning PowerShell
By Matt Hester

PowerShell: Functions for Advanced Automation
By Scott M Burrell

PowerShell: Automating Administration
By Scott M Burrell

Career Essentials in GitHub Professional Certificate
Provided by GitHub and LinkedIn

Learning GitHub
By Emanuele Bartolesi

Build and Deploy Containerized Apps with GitHub Actions
By Michael Levan and

Technology for Product Managers
By Cole Mercer

Networking Foundations: Networking Basics
By Kevin Wallace